#04WTA - Webinar

Architecture in a post-pandemic era

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    Transforming the world through architecture | 23rd April | Pre-Event SHARE Sofia 2020 Forum

    • Lectures: "New Life / New Landscape", "Versatile Healthcare Living, a 10min insight in the future of smart neighborhoods", "Flatten the curve!"

    • Lead into the world to come

Guest Speakers

Founder @Churchman Thornhill Finch - UK


Chris has always been inspired by new ideas, with a career defined by creative innovation. Highlights include pioneering work on living walls, ground-breaking naturally filtered pools, and a recent collaboration with the University of Birmingham exploring the potential of plant species to reduce pollution. This unique approach has won considerable acclaim – in the award-winning redesign of the University of Birmingham, with its impeccable sustainable credentials, and in the far-sighted design for South Gardens in London, which won the prestigious Landscape Institute’s Presidents’ award. Other landmark projects include the Sammy Ofer Wing at the National Maritime Museum – now a much-loved civic space - and the Millennium Seedbank and Tower of London, created in collaboration with Stanton Williams.

Managing Director @Werner Sobek, GERMANY


Roland is Managing Director and Partner of the international engineering consultancy Werner Sobek Stuttgart. Born in Berlin, he subsequently moved to Hanover, Germany, where he studied Structural Engineering. Having accomplished his diploma, Roland started working at Werner Sobek Stuttgart and soon rose to be appointed first principal, then general manager, at least managing director and partner. Roland heads the department of competitions and is a specialist of project management, lightweight structures and steel constructions. He has extensive experience in various important high rise projects, such as ADAC Headquarters in Munich/Germany, the Hegau Tower in Singen/Germany and the 400 m high Olympic Tower in Nanjing/China. In addition Roland has been in charge of several complex and large-scale projects such as World Expo 2017 in Astana/Kazakhstan and the underground railway station in Stuttgart/Germany.

Director @UnStudio - THE NETHERLANDS

Frans van VUURE

UNStudio, founded in 1988 by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is an international architectural design network with four full-service international offices in Amsterdam, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Frankfurt. The studio specializes in architecture, interior architecture, product design, urban development, and infrastructural projects. Over 200 staff from 27 countries are spread throughout the network in a streamlined structure that enables us to spend less time organizing and more time designing and collaborating with our clients.


Deputy Chairman of the Board of the CAB, Bulgarian Chamber of Architects - BULGARIA


Founder & Director at E-ARCH Studio in Bulgaria. Graduated the First Language School in Varna. In 2001 he graduated from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia, specialty “Architecture”. His pre-graduate practice is in St. Victor la Costa – France, while the diploma specialization is in Florence, Italy. He is a member of the European Architecture Student Assembly – Manoel, Malta. Since 2001 he is the manager and chief architect of the E-ARH Architectural Bureau. Deputy Chairperson of the RC of CAB – Varna.

Editor @share-architects.com


From 2017 she is a collaborator of SHARE-Architects, co-editor of the editorial project “Designing The Profile of the Future Architect”, senior associate of SHARE Architects Society and executive manager of the Consultative Council of Architects in Central and Eastern Europe (CCA -CEE).

Fragments from lectures

"Versatile Healthcare Living"

by Frans van Vuure

We cannot look on a glass sphere and predict what is gonna happen in three months, a year or even five years…but definitely this crisis will have repercussions. UN Studio likes to collect data to learn, and we even started that among our own people for instance. You learn by the behaviour and pattern of people. That is a lot of data that we can collect, which is still hard to collect, but with data, we can do almost anything to make the environment adaptive

"New life, new landscape"

by Chris Churchman

The lockdown has taught us though that we shouldn’t just roll up to public space at the expense of private amenities. We may re-question the green space on the balcony and everyone could have a min. 10 sqm of greenery

"Flatten the curve"

by Roland Bechmann

We need to double our building stock as to meet all the current needs we have and population growth. The carbon footprint is increased with less density, therefore keeping density which means higher buildings offer easy access to infrastructure. By keeping density you can also preserve better green spaces around/across cities. But with a mention: “We need skyscrapers, but maybe we need better ones

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